Saturday, September 28, 2013

Unconvicted NDP Political Criminal Asks RCMP to Investigate Alleged Crimes By Liberal Opponents

Adrian Dix, a self admitted un-convicted criminal who falsified documents with the obvious intent to mislead a police investigation, in1999, when he was Chief of Staff for Premier Glen Clark is back in the news a few short days after he announced his resignation.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are  investigating  allegations of  violations  of  the  B. C.  Election  Act after a confidential complaint filed by un-convicted criminal NDP Leader Adrian Dix in early August, 2013.

"In order to ensure the integrity of the work of the Special Prosecutor and the RCMP, I will not provide any further details at this point,"  Dix said in a written statement. 

Click here to read full story of Adrian Dix's latest foolishness.  

The Crown Prosecutors Office should be asked to re-consider bringing charges against Adrian Dix for obstruction of justice or misleading a police officer both of which are indictable offences.

There is no statute of limitations on indictable offences in Canada.

Mr. Dix has caused considerable mischief in the political life of the province.  He should have served time in a correctional institution for what he did.  Ujjal Dosanjh was Attorney General when the Crown prosecutors declined to prosecute and clearly the decision not to prosecute Dix was politically influenced.  Incidentally, the Deputy Minister was Maureen Maloney and the Assistant Deputy Minister was Gillian Wallace both or who are implicated as high level criminals in the Water War Crimes.

At the time, the Crown Prosecutors Office decided it was not in the public interest to prosecute Dix but that decision should be revisited. 

The Editors are calling on Attorney General Susan Anton to appoint a special prosecutor to review the evidence against Adrian Dix.

The Public Interest will only be served when Adrian Dix is brought to justice, punished and made an example to deter others from acting in a similar manner. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Continuing Good News Is That More NDP Insiders Are Leaving Politics Following Their Leader Adrian Dix

More Fall Out In British Columbia

In our previous post we announced that one of the results of Prime Minister Harper's secret meetings in British Columbia was the sudden decision of NDP leader Adrian Dix to quit his position. 

However, in addition to Mr. Dix, NDP Party President, Moe Sihota, and NDP Party Secretary, Jan O'Brien, have announced today that they are quitting also.  Dix and Sihota were members of the cabinet of Premier Glen Clark and they are both key suspects in the Water War Crimes that took place under the regime of Premier Clark. O'Brien is a long term high ranking member of the British Columbia Government Employees Union that uses civil servants in the province to do their dirty work especially in the court system where BCGEU employees manipulate the system to block litigants seeking redress against corrupt government employees.

Dix and Sihota both attended Vancouver's notorious St. George's School, a private boys school that spawned both Chief Judges Stansfield and Brenner who were key players in the Water War Crimes.  It is believed Brenner was murdered in order to silence him and that Stansfield committed suicide when his criminal activities were revealed.

Click here to read more about Chief Justice Brenner 
Click here to read more about Chief Judge Stansfield  

The wicked are moving on and the province will be better for it. 

Dix, Sihota and O'Brien should be very worried because because the law of karma, cause and effect, is at work and they will soon be called to suffer as a result of the harm they caused just like many of their colleagues who died from sudden cancers and sudden heart attacks. 

While their friends in the Canada's crooked courts may protect them there is no escaping the universal law of cause and effect.

Adrian Dix Announces He IS Stepping Down as Leader of British Columbia New Democratic Parety

Immediately after his private meeting with US President Barrack Obama, Prime Minister Harper came to British Columbia for an unprecedented six day visit.

The day after he left British ColumbiaAdrian Dix, the leader of the New Democratic Party of British Columbia, announced he would be stepping down from his leadership position.

Was this a co-incidence?

We don't think so.

Adrian Dix is a self-admitted un-convicted criminal who  fabricated evidence in an unsuccessful the attempt to mislead a police investigation.  The incident made national news but Dix has never been punished for his crimes.

In addition, Dix was Chief of Staff to Glen Clark who was Premier from 1996 to 1999 and who operated one of the most abusive, corrupt and anti-American regimes in the political history of British Columbia.

Under Clark and Dix's leadership, civil servants including senior lawyers at the Ministry of the Attorney General regularly committed perjury, obstruction of justice and all manner of crimes. 

Clark and Dix used their powers to inflict deliberate harm on innocent people.

Clark and Dix used their powers to divert hundreds of millions of dollars to the corrupt business corporations that were building the useless, fire hazard, so called "fast ferries" that were eventually sold for scrap.  

Clark and Dix did big favours for Vancouver billionaire, Jimmy Pattison, who hired Clark after he was removed from office for corruption.

But Clark and Dix were also so stupid and so politically naive that they decided to pick a fight with the American Government, firstly, by cancelling the underwater seabed lease on the torpedo testing range the US and Canadian Navy had used for decades near Nanoose Bay on Vancouver Island, and, secondly, by failing to take any action when a group of angry fisherman blockaded an Alaskan Ferry and four hundred passengers for three days at Prince Rupert

Dix and Clark and their mindless political supporters engaged in these deliberate acts of provocation despite the fact that the Americans had helped save Canada and its so called mother country, England, in World War 2 against the overwhelming power of Nazi Germany and had protected Canada from the Soviet threat during the cold war.

So when Stephen Harper met with Barrack Obama you can bet that  at some point, Mr. Obama, on instructions from the Pentagon, mentioned that the American government were offended by the fact that Adrian Dix was still parading around in public as a possible leader in British Columbia when he should be in jail.

In addition, it was the actions of Adrian Dix, Glen Clark and their supporters that led to the Water War Crimes lawsuits which were in the process of being settled and should have been settled but instead Clark and Dix decided to follow a corrupt legal strategy that led to several murders, a multitude of destroyed political careers, and other mayhem that is not yet public because the murderers and those responsible will have to be located and either executed or brought to justice and incarcerated for a long time.